The purpose of this course is to introduce new skills and refine your current skills in oral and written, formal and informal communication. By working through this course you will have the opportunity to practice group communication, effective one on one communication and your presentation skills.
- Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
- Use strategies that capture and retain the interest of an audience
- Identify and respond to manipulative use of language
- Use a range of reading and viewing strategies to understand the literal meaning of specific texts
- Use strategies for extracting implicit messages in texts
- Respond to selected texts in a manner appropriate to the context
- Explore and explain how language structures and features may influence a reader/viewer
- Access and use suitable learning resources
- Use learning strategies
- Manage occupational learning programme materials
- Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings
- Function in a team
- Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning
- Write/sign for a specified audience and purpose
- Use language structures and features to produce coherent and cohesive texts for a wide range of contexts
- Draft own writing/signing and edit to improve clarity and correctness