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  • Interpretation of Water Analyses Data

      • Interpretation of Water Analysis
      • Evaluation
      • Other Micro Nutrients and Elements
      • Water Quality


  • Interpretation of Leaf Analyses Data Part 3

    This comprehensive online course deals with different aspects of leaf analysis through to compilation of the final fertilisation program or basis for problem solving.

  • Interpretation of Growth Medium Analysis Data

    • This course will enable students to evaluate and interpret the analytical data in order to quantify the current productive status of the growth medium.
    • To identify physical and chemical factors that will reduce plant production.
    • To assess corrective measures in terms of practicalities, cost and timing.
    • To prepare recommendations to optimise crop production.
  • Interpretation of Leaf Analyses Data Part 2

    This comprehensive online course deals with different aspects of leaf analysis through to compilation of the final fertilisation program or basis for problem solving.

  • Interpretation of Leaf Analyses Data Part 1

    This comprehensive online course deals with different aspects of leaf analysis through to compilation of the final fertilisation program or basis for problem solving.

  • Interpretation of Soil Analyses Data Part 2

    This course will enable students to evaluate and interpret the analytical data in order to quantify the current productivity status of the soil.

  • Interpretation of Soil Analyses Data Part 1

    Part 1
    This course will enable students to evaluate and interpret the analytical data in order to quantify the current productivity status of the soil.

  • Writing an Agricultural Business Plan

    This course will take you through the various sections of developing an Agricultural Business Plan, highlighting the importance of each as well as providing information on what to write in each section to create an impressive document.   WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Entrepreneurs, Business Owners And Emerging Farmers.   ACCREDITATION: Institution accredited & Certificate of Completion. […]

  • Aquaculture Production Systems: Design and Management

    Part 4 of 6

    This course deals with the three most basic categories of Culture Systems which are Open Systems, Semi-Closed Systems and Closed Systems. Many considerations determine which type of Culture System is to be used; these include investments, energy, resources, topography and the species to be produced.