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fish farming

  • Aquaculture Production Systems: Design and Management

    Part 4 of 6

    This course deals with the three most basic categories of Culture Systems which are Open Systems, Semi-Closed Systems and Closed Systems. Many considerations determine which type of Culture System is to be used; these include investments, energy, resources, topography and the species to be produced.

  • Water Ecology: Monitoring and Management

    Part 3 of 6

    Water properties and environmental parameters often affect the choice for an aquaculture site and the cultured species. It is important that the aquaculture manager has an understanding of water ecology and possess the skills necessary to provide a suitable environment for the venture to be successful.

    Aquaculture production is influenced and narrowly confined both by the hydro biological characteristics of the environment defined by the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics which influences the reproduction and growth of the cultured species, and also by deleterious factors such as micro organisms and various toxic substances which may affect the edibility of the product.